New Year’s Safety

Just because New Year’s Eve turns many people into party animals, doesn’t mean it has the same effect on pets. A lot of the holiday hoopla surrounding the celebration can be frightening or upsetting to our furry friends, and parents should take precautions to keep their pet pals safe and sound. 

Fireworks and other noisemakers terrify many pets. If yours is among them, keep her near you for reassurance or place her in a quiet room of the house with some toys and treats. Turn on a TV or some soothing music to buffer the celebratory sounds. If you happen to be hosting a party, the quiet room can provide a refuge for pets who may not enjoy a noisy house filled with unfamiliar people. It can also keep curious snouts away from refreshments that could make her sick, as well as prevent any escape attempts as guests come and go during the event. If a quiet room with some buffering noise isn’t enough to keep your pet calm, please talk with us about additional options to help your pet with her anxiety and fears. We can help you review other options available and decide which ones are best for your pet and her level of anxiety over the festivities. And if you have a newer pet in your home, and you’ve seen anxious behavior around other loud sounds such as thunder, be sure to take precautions to keep her calm during the festivities. If the holidays brought a new pet into your life and you haven’t had an opportunity to observe how she reacts around loud noises, be sure to either take basic precautions to avoid exposing her to them or observe her carefully during loud celebrations so you can allay her fears if she exhibits any. After the new year has been ushered in and the guests have gone, prevent potential problems by ensuring balloons, confetti or other party leftovers aren’t within your pet’s reach to be ingested.

These simple precautions can get the year started off right for both you and your furry friends.

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