December 2024 Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am-2pm, Tuesday 10am-1pm
We will be closed Friday, December 20th through Sunday, January 5th

Stay up to date with what is going on at our clinic, find out different specials/events that are happening and read informational articles about your pet’s health

Halloween Can Be a Scary Holiday for Pets

Halloween Can Be a Scary Holiday for Pets

Don’t Share Your Candy If anyone breaks out the treats before Halloween, instruct them not to share with the family pet regardless of how much he stares at them with sad eyes. Chocolate is especially problematic for pets because it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and...

Preventative Care for Cattle

Preventative Care for Cattle

You may not realize it, but every time we see your herd, we're providing a physical examination to ensure there are no indicators of underlying health issues. Often done from afar, cattle physical examinations may include such things as whether the animal is...

Preventative Care for Horses

Preventative Care for Horses

With advances in care and nutrition, horses are living longer than ever. They are also maintaining active lifestyles into their late teens and early twenties, partnering with their owners to continue the activities they enjoy together. With this increased longevity...

Safety at Home

Safety at Home

As members of the family, pets freely roam many areas of the home and provide love and companionship. In return, they count on us to keep them happy and healthy. But keeping your pet safe takes more than a visit to the vet. It also requires a careful walkthrough of...

The Importance of Preventative Care

The Importance of Preventative Care

Most of us have heard the old adage about being "penny rich and pound foolish," and it's a fitting analogy for your pet's preventive care visits, too. It's easy for pet parents to get lackadaisical about routine visits, especially when everything appears to be going...

Disaster Prep

Disaster Prep

It doesn't matter in what part of the globe you live; tornados happen year-round. From the icy white water spouts to the yearly ones that reinforce the Midwest's reputation as 'Tornado Alley,' these forces of nature can pose considerable risk to you and your pets. But...

Deworming – Bovine

Deworming – Bovine

Cattle are subject to a myriad of parasites, all inflicting their own kind of damage, from external parasites causing skin irritation and sucking blood to internal parasites that steal nutrients from the host's intestinal tract or others that impact your herd...

Controlling Colic – Equine

Controlling Colic – Equine

Equine colic is more than just an upset stomach. Ten percent of all horses suffer from colic at least once in their lifetime, and the sickness is still a leading cause of death in horses. While the word colic refers to abdominal pain, it encompasses a multitude of...

Preventive Care Helps Your Senior Pet Age Well

No matter how you calculate it, there’s no denying that dogs and cats age significantly faster than people do. Many begin to experience health problems associated with middle age around age seven and officially become seniors by age ten. That’s why we recommend...