
As members of the family, pets freely roam many areas of the home and provide love and companionship. In return, they count on us to keep them happy and healthy. But keeping your pet safe takes more than a visit to the vet. It also requires a careful walkthrough of your home to guard against common household dangers that can harm your furry companion.

Measures to pet proof your home are required in all areas where your pet may roam, from the kitchen and bathroom to the living room and bedrooms as well as yards and garages. Getting down to your pet’s eye level may allow you to spot dangers you might miss from a different angle.

The most common household risks include toxic plants and foods. There are countless other potential dangers throughout the home, such as sharp objects, electrical cords and other items that may invite a curious nibble from your pet. Keeping a tidy home goes a long way toward keeping your furry friend safe from things that could pose a danger.

Here are some common household dangers to watch for when pet-proofing the home.

Houseplants that can pose a threat include Dieffenbachia, philodendron and hyacinth. Keep household chemicals including pesticides, antifreeze, rat and mouse poisons, mothballs and fabric softener sheets out of reach. Medications, potpourri oils, cigarettes, coffee grounds, alcohol and chocolate also should be kept safely away from your pet. To discourage your pet from chewing on dangerous items, provide appropriate toys and treats to keep his attention.

Trapping spaces
Childproof latches can keep curious pets from nosing their way into cabinets, cupboards and closets. Block spaces behind appliances and keep all appliance doors shut. Keep the toilet lid down to prevent your pet pal from drowning or ingesting cleaning chemicals. Check that your pet is not nearby or tucked beside your car engine before starting your vehicle.

Dangerous objects
Cover trashcans or put them in cabinets. Keep electrical cords covered or tucked away. Put away toys, games and knick knacks to prevent your pet from chewing on them or knocking them over. String, yarn and thread can cause serious injury if swallowed.

Take time to make your home a welcoming place for your furry companion. He is counting on you to keep him safe!

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