Reviewing Raw Diets

Few things are trendier than the latest nutrition fads, and these practices sometimes extend beyond people to their pets’ case in point, raw diets. Some parents choose to give their pets raw diets due to the tragic and frightening pet food recalls that have occurred during the last few years. Others apply the logic that since their pet’s wild ancestors lived on raw diets of meat and bones it must be the most natural choice. In reality, both of these arguments have merit, but they raise controversy, too, especially since the domesticated dogs and cats we love as pets today are very distant cousins of their wild relatives, with different nutritional needs.

Whether homemade or store-bought, raw diets tend to have few ingredients—primarily meat and bones. The homemade variety gives pet parents complete control over what their pup or kitty is consuming. This ensures that parents know the source of all ingredients, and it can be helpful for pets who are allergic to certain foods. But while these benefits may sound good in theory, the matter isn’t really as cut and dried as it seems. For example, some raw diets have been shown to contain pathogens like salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus which can be passed along to humans, especially small children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. There are also a handful of pathogens in some raw meats like beef, salmon, pork and certain wild game that can be very sickening and even fatal to pets. Bones, considered by some to be good for the teeth, can shatter and splinter causing a choking hazard or internal injury. Another possible problem with raw diets is imbalanced nutrition. Having the time and knowledge to get your dog or cat the complete nutrition needed, including the proper amounts, is a slow, often difficult process. Many pet parents who lead busy lives just don’t have the time to nutritionally craft each meal. This is something quality, commercially-prepared foods specialize in. When feeding a responsibly produced commercial diet, parents can be sure their pet pal is getting all her daily nutritional requirements in a single food.

We understand and applaud pet parents for wanting to give their cuddly companions the safest, very best nutrition possible, and we welcome the opportunity to provide your pet pal with a custom nutritional analysis to ensure she’s getting exactly what she needs at mealtime.

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