Punching with your Pet

Does your dog help you pick out your business attire each morning? Or does your cat have a knack for breaking down this fiscal quarter’s efficiency charts? Whatever his secret skill, your pet may be prepping himself–and you–for Take Your Pet to Work Week, the week following Father’s Day. A 2008 survey discovered 17 percent of adult workers said their company allows pets in the workplace.

Before Fido slides his timecard into the machine in the morning, check with your office and management. There may or may not be written rules on pets punching in for the day, and other employees may have allergies, phobias or be otherwise opposed to pets in the workplace. But if your workplace does allow pets, here are some steps to take to make sure your furry pal has a good time:
– Have your pet’s collar and ID tag up to date. If your feline friend is in the office, attach a bell to her collar to notify you and others when she is moving about to prevent any missteps. 
– Make sure your pet is fit to punch in 9 to 5. You know your pet’s personality, so if she isn’t a social kitty, or he gets overly rambunctious when other people are around, leave your pet at home. But if your pet could increase office productivity, make sure vaccinations are current and have him bathed and groomed before heading to the office. 
– Pet-proof your work space. Just like with small humans, our pet pals can get into dangerous situations at a moment’s notice. Remove any plants that could be toxic, hide electrical cords/wires and secure items such as permanent markers out of paws’ reach. 
– Pack a bag for him. Food, treats, toys, a leash, paper towels, clean-up bags and pet-safe disinfectant are some of the items to pack for your pet’s day in the office. Consider bringing a baby gate for an office doorway or a kennel/carrier to use during the day also. 
– Plan your pet’s feeding times around your work schedule. The “I need to go outside” whimpers from your dog might not be the feedback you were looking for during the 2 p.m. presentation. Be sure to use an appropriate area outside for your pet’s business. 
– Don’t force interactions between your pet and coworkers. Pet lovers will find you and your furry friend, while others are content staying in their offices or cubicles.

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