The Importance of Preventative Care

Most of us have heard the old adage about being “penny rich and pound foolish,” and it’s a fitting analogy for your pet’s preventive care visits, too. It’s easy for pet parents to get lackadaisical about routine visits, especially when everything appears to be going well with your furry friend. Why spend money on a veterinary visit when your pet is the picture of health, right? Well, not quite. Skipping routine preventive care visits is never a good idea. 

Regardless the type of problem, the longer it’s ignored and avoided, the worse it becomes. And where health is concerned, like their people parents, pets can have issues that have no outward symptoms. Diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney and liver disease are just some health conditions that may not be apparent without the sort of testing that’s part of a routine preventive care exam. Should your pet be diagnosed with such a condition, the earlier it’s discovered, the better the chances of successful treatment, and in most instances, the less costly, too. Some conditions, for example, can be treated in their early stages with a simple change of diet or a low-cost prescription, while that same condition that’s been allowed to progress into an advanced stage will likely require more involved and, therefore, more costly treatment, or worse, will be beyond the ability to be treated. Routine vaccinations are typically another part of wellness exams and in addition to leaving your pet susceptible to various diseases, in many areas it’s illegal to keep an unvaccinated pet, which could lead to fines and other expenses. 

We can think of our pets (and ourselves) like a car … it’s much safer and far more practical to get regular tune-ups along the way than to wait for a major malfunction. Let us help keep your pet’s “motor” running smoothly … book a preventive care exam today!

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