Prevent and Protect

Few things are more depressing than the sobering fact that millions of healthy pets are euthanized every year simply because there weren’t homes for them. What’s worse is that the majority of these deaths could have been avoided if more male pets were neutered.

From bumper stickers to TV game show hosts, the reminder to neuter your pet is a common one, and luckily, many pet parents have taken heed—about 83% of dogs and 91% of cats with homes have been altered, but with 83 million dogs and 96 million cats in homes, that means there are still more than 10 million of each species who are intact and able to produce offspring. And this number doesn’t even account for homeless or feral pets.

Having your pet pal neutered is one of the most important things you can do as a responsible pet parent, and it’s a common procedure that can be done in a day at our clinic. If a tight budget is preventing you from having your pet neutered, please contact us or our local animal shelter as there may be resources available to help.

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