Pet Overweight?

Would you know if your pet is overweight? Would it surprise you to know that 58 percent of cats and 54 percent of dogs are overweight? Or that 90 percent of pet parents of overweight cats and a whopping 95 percent of pet parents of overweight dogs incorrectly identified their pets as normal weight?

The first step in solving any issue is recognizing there’s a problem. Pets who weigh more than they should are more prone to health issues such as diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis and high blood pressure. And a difference of only a few ounces can tip the scales in your pet’s favor.

If your pet needs to shed a few ounces–or pounds–we’re here to help. From assisting with proper nutrition and quantity to helping you establish a good exercise routine for your pet, we can help make sure any weight your pet needs to lose is shed in a healthy way. And besides the obvious health benefits for your pet, you’ll also be improving the quality of life for both of you, making your time together more enjoyable in the process.

The most important pet health decision you make every day is what to feed your pet and how much. The most important knowledge you can arm yourself with today is whether your pet is tipping the scales and needs a little help to slim down. Schedule a weigh-in check for your pet today and help ensure his health won’t get weighed down.

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