Paternal Predictions


Paternal Predictions

Whether you’re a professional breeder or a hobbyist/pet owner, the decision to have your stallion sire a foal is an exciting one. But before anything else, it’s important to have him checked out with a breeding soundness exam. We will make sure that your horse is capable of siring a healthy and well-bred foal, and is in the appropriate condition to do so.

Permitting a stallion to breed without an exam is risky for the mare, as well as for the desired foal, which may or may not be carried to birth. No horse owner wants to run the risk of health problems or even death for the mare or her foal-to-be, and a soundness exam is a very good indicator that the stallion will be able to sire a foal successfully. Typical exams will include getting as much history from you as possible about the stallion himself, plus a thorough physical exam to note any outstanding genetic traits or issues with reproductive system health. As the owners of many stallions receive “stud fees” for the horse’s semen or breeding services, it’s important to know what, if any, limitations he may have, including general overall health and a lack of disease or defects. Breeding soundness exams can also determine if the horse can breed a couple of mares a year, or hundreds, which can make a significant difference in protecting bloodlines and covering costs of breeding services.

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