Paternal Predications

Fertility is a critical component in a cattle production operation, and knowing your bull’s potential is an important factor in overall herd performance as well as the longevity of the bull’s usefulness in the herd. The best way to obtain this valuable information is through a breeding soundness exam (BSE).
Just because a bull looks big and virile in appearance doesn’t mean that he will be a good breeder. Research indicates as many 20% of bulls have problems that adversely impact fertility. Only a BSE, which includes a thorough examination of the reproductive system, can give an accurate assessment of your bull’s breeding abilities. The outcome of this exam can affect pregnancy rates, calving dates, and puberty age in replacement heifers, all of which impact your bottom line.

A BSE should be performed on your bull every year, preferably at least 60 days before breeding season. Research has shown that a return of $20 may be realized for each $1 invested in the exam. If it’s time for your bull’s annual exam, if you’ve let your bull get by for a bit without a BSE being performed, or if you have a new bull you need to get started on an annual BSE, contact us to schedule an appointment and be certain you–and your bull—are prepared for breeding season.

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