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Fleas and ticks are here again … just kidding. They never really left. If your pet isn’t currently protected from these pests with a flea and tick preventive, you are running the risk of an infestation of your pet that could — and probably will — turn into an infestation of your home in short order.

Fleas and ticks are opportunistic pests. They settle in wherever there is an opportunity for them to grow and reproduce. And once they’re settled in, they are incredibly difficult to kick out. Under normal circumstances, adult fleas will live approximately three weeks and lay around 500 eggs each, while a single tick can lay up to 3,000 eggs. It is really easy for the pest population to get out of control quickly!

The best way to deal with an infestation is to prevent it happening in the first place. Keeping your pet on year-round flea and tick prevention is a good first step in making sure these pests don’t come to your home uninvited. If your pet doesn’t bring the fleas and ticks into your home to begin with, they can’t get settled in. 

There are a variety of options on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best flea and tick protection is the one that works for your pet that you will maintain consistently. You could purchase what is considered the best flea and tick preventive in the world, but if you leave it in the packaging, it will do nothing to protect your pet from these pests. Generally speaking, flea and tick protection comes in the following forms:

Sprays. Convenient and relatively long-lasting as long as your pet doesn’t get wet, sprays are a relatively inexpensive method for protecting your pet.
Powders. These are dusted all over your pet and rubbed into the fur and between the toes.

Shampoos. These products will wash away adult fleas and their eggs but have limited potency when it comes to preventing a recurrence of the infestation.

Dips. A concentrated medication that is applied in liquid form all over your pet’s body. It is not rinsed off, and your pet is allowed to air dry.

Topical Medications. These are medications that are applied to your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades or at the base of the neck. They are sometimes referred to as spot treatments and usually provide protection for a few weeks.

Oral Medications. Just like it sounds, these are tablets or chewables. Some of these go beyond protecting your pet from fleas and ticks to also offer protection from heartworms, roundworms, hookworms or whipworms.

With all these options available, it is easy to find something that will fit your budget and lifestyle while keeping your pet free from fleas and ticks. If you have any questions about which product is right for your pet’s protection, please contact us. We know the pros and cons of each method and the individual products available for each type and would be happy to help you find the one that is right for your pet.

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