It’s National Dog Week

It could be her exuberance for those Saturday morning trips to the park. How about the way she patiently listens to you talk about your long day? Your dog is not only a member of your family, but odds are she’s that old — or new — best friend always there for you. 

The fourth week of September is a celebration of dogs, what they mean to us and the ever present task of improving life for all dogs. National Dog Week focuses on educating dog parents and the general public alike and helping lost, abused and unwanted dogs around the nation. The week was created in 1928 by World War I veteran Captain Will Judy, a dog judge and former publisher of Dog World magazine. Activities, fundraisers, adoption drives and volunteer assistance programs highlight the week, now in its 88th year. 

The prominent phrase “man’s best friend” is said to have come from the closing argument given by Missouri Senator George Graham Vest. Vest represented a client whose dog had been killed by a neighbor; the closing argument became known as “Eulogy of the Dog” and had such an impact on the jury that Vest won the case. 

Ways to celebrate National Dog Week are endless, but if you’re unsure where to start, here are some ideas:
– Host a party for the dogs in your neighborhood or your friends’ dogs
– Have a photo shoot with your pooch and add those photos to the family album
– Donate time, money or food to a local shelter
– Surprise your dog with a favorite treat
– Tell her story, whether it’s a handwritten script for you to read every year or share it with friends on social media
– Organize a gathering featuring guest speakers who can help educate pet parents and the public about dog guardianship. Topics are numerous, but could include obedience training, what a veterinarian does and pet overpopulation.

Every dog has her day, but for one week each September, she has a week dedicated to her and the many ways we impact one another. We wish you and your dog well this week and every week throughout the year!

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