Fling Flea, Trick Ticks

Fleas and ticks are hardy pests. Fleas can survive in temperatures as low as 33 degrees for up to five days, and their eggs can live year-round in protected spaces. Ticks will live in temperatures as low as 40 degrees. And with their hardiness also comes the ‘offerings’ they bring to you and your pet — a variety of potentially serious diseases. 

The longstanding idea was that seasonal flea and tick control was enough. However, initial infestations are difficult to prevent with only seasonal treatment. And with changing climate conditions, the seasons’ arrivals and departures are also changing each year, making the determination of seasonally appropriate start and stop application dates difficult. In addition to these complications for effective seasonal prevention, pets who frequent doggy daycare, boarding facilities or travel, such as through airports, may be exposed to other pets who are infested with fleas or ticks. A year-round monthly preventive routine is the only way to ensure your pet won’t pick up a pesky pal. 

There are a variety of types of product on the market for flea and tick prevention. The two most popular forms are spot-on topical ointments which are applied externally on the skin and chewable tablets that work systematically from the inside out. This seems pretty straightforward, but like putting together that IKEA bedroom set in your first apartment, it isn’t. Some products only kill adult fleas and ticks, while others target eggs and larvae. Other products cover the spread and kill fleas, ticks and heartworms, though others only kill one species. Cost and ease of use are other factors to keep in mind. 

One question we hear often from interspecies households is, “Would it be okay to use dog-centric flea and tick control products on the cat?” The answer is a resounding “No;” some products for dogs can be lethal for cats. The reverse is also true–pets should always be treated for pests with a product that was designed for their specific species to ensure effectiveness and reduce the chance of unwanted side effects. 

With so much information and so many products, our staff would be glad to assist you with setting up a flea and tick preventive routine for your furry friend. Contact our clinic with any questions or to set up an appointment!

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