Fireworks Fear

As many pet owners may have experienced, loud noises, such as those from fireworks or thunderstorms, can be a cause of great anxiety for our four-legged friends. This fear of loud sounds is called noise phobia. For pets affected by loud noises, this can be a very trying time for both the pet and pet parent. Learning to recognize the signs of noise phobias and some tips to reduce fears can go a long way to having a pleasant, stress-free celebration.

Signs of noise phobias may include shaking or trembling, excessive drooling, barking or howling, trying to hide or get into or out of the house, fence or other enclosure and refusing to eat food. In some instances, pets may lose bladder or bowel control or experience temporary diarrhea from prolonged stress.

There are many steps you can take during fireworks displays to reduce the effects of noise phobias and keep your pet safe. These include the following safety practices.

– Leave pets at home. It may be tempting to take them along to celebrate the Fourth, but they really don’t like fireworks as much as you do.
– Keep pets indoors if possible. Turn on the TV or radio to try and mask the noise of the fireworks and distract them.
– Provide a safe “escape” place. Turn a room into a safe haven for your pet and get her acclimated to it before the fireworks start.
– Use a leash or carrier. If you have to be outside with your pet, keep her with you at all times.
– Practice fire safety. Keep your pet away from matches, lighter fluid and open flames.
– Take your pet for a walk first. If possible make sure your pet has time outside before the fireworks start to “do her business.”
– Make sure pet ID is current. If she does manage to get loose, you’ll feel better knowing that she’s wearing her ID and it’s all up-to-date. It will also go a long way toward helping your pet get back home as quickly as possible.

Following these tips and planning ahead can help ensure a fun, safe and happy celebration for everyone in your family!

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