Filling Prescriptions

When filling prescriptions for your pet, there are a lot of choices competing for your business. Should you go online? Buy from us? Find a pharmacy? To us, the answer is clear: you should fill your pet’s prescriptions through our clinic pharmacy. No one, besides you, knows your pet better. With access to your pet’s complete medical history, a full knowledge of any medications your pet is currently taking and specialty training in veterinary medications, which pets can safely use them and their potential interactions, we are better equipped to provide your pet top-notch dispensing.

In addition, we know all the medications we provide have been properly handled (sourced from safe, reliable manufacturers and shipped and stored at appropriate temperatures, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations) and are authentic; helping to ensure your pet will receive the maximum benefit possible from them. We can also instruct you in proper administration and are always available if you have questions or if the dosage needs to be reviewed. When using our pharmacy services, you’ll be informed and confident, prepared to safely and effectively administer your pet’s medications.

Another reason to use our pharmacy instead of going elsewhere comes down to the fact that we’re right here. Some medications require special considerations, such as knowing if the pet has an active infection–which we are equipped to test for–or routine monitoring that may require dosage adjustments depending on the results achieved.

When you look at all the benefits of filling your pet’s prescriptions through our pharmacy, only one question remains: why would you go anywhere else?

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