Compassionate Critters

Valentine’s Day may not be commonly associated with pets, but who better to represent a holiday that’s based on love? No offense, Cupid, but is there any truer affection than the wagging tail that greets a parent after a long day at work? Or the gentle tap of a furry paw to wake you in the morning?
Perhaps you were in a bad mood and too tired for Thursday’s evening walk, or forgot to clean the litter box twice this week. But guess what? You’re still the center of the universe to your four-legged family members. There are no ulterior motives for the things they enjoy most—a play session, a belly rub or a scratch behind the ears. And each of these acts have just one thing in common—love and attention from the parent they adore. Indeed, unconditional love is a lesson best taught by the pets with whom we share our lives.

Here’s wishing you a day filled with the affection of loved ones, family and friends, and most of all, PETS!

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