
January is National Train Your Dog Month, so consider these reasons to teach your pet basic obedience skills.

Training could save your pet?s life. If you’ve ever seen a dog get loose from his collar, you know how scary it can be. Having the ability to order your runaway rover back to your side and away from traffic is essential. A bored kitten who finds an electrical cord needs to be quickly directed away from this potentially deadly habit, and simple, learned voice commands could make the difference. 

The bond formed completing obedience exercises is strong. You gain a better understanding of your pet during training, and this beneficial attention creates a connection between you and your pet. Soon you’ll be able to stop a defiant feline from jumping on the counter before she starts, or keep your 80-pound pooch off your bed and in his own.

A trained pet is a happy pet. Dogs and cats who follow basic commands from their parents have learned the skills to be social members of the family. A cat who knows how to play gently with children or use a scratching post rather than the sofa leg will be able to spend more quality time with company around the house. A dog who greets houseguests with a wagging tail instead of a loud bark will have more freedom to move about and spend less time crated.

By taking the time to teach basic obedience, you will ensure a long-lasting, healthy and happy relationship for you and your four-legged friend.

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