Allergies – What you need to know

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You may not be the only one in your family, especially if you’re noticing excessive itching from a furry, four-legged member. Allergies in pets are more common than you think and something we see often. The two most common types of allergies in dogs and cats are flea allergy dermatitis and atopy, or atopic dermatitis. Atopy affects approximately 10 to 15 percent of dogs, with a slightly lower percentage in cats. In both dogs and cats, symptoms often get worse with age.

Atopy is caused by allergens in the environment that your pet comes into contact with, including tree and grass pollens, weed pollens (such as ragweed), dust mites, mold and mildew. While the condition is mostly seasonal, pets who react to indoor allergens can be affected year-round.

You may first notice a sign of something wrong with all your pet’s excessive scratching. Other signs of problems include patchy hair loss, red, irritated or itchy skin or open, oozing sores.

Atopy is usually diagnosed after all other potential causes or itchiness are ruled out. We can test your pet for allergies and determine exactly what it is she is allergic to, then devise a treatment plan to get her on the mend and comfortable quickly.

Stop by or call today to schedule an appointment or with any questions you may have.

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